Monday, August 13, 2007


I’ve begun this blog to have a public space where I can share my own progress on my spiritual and philosophic path. I want to start to wade into the online pagan community more than I have already, and I also would like to become a small voice in the online pagan blogosphere (last time I use that word I hope). I’ve found that community inspirational, educational, challenging, maddening, etc. And have been more and more inspired to start sharing my own voice with it.

I’m a member of ADF, a Neo-Pagan druid organization. I’ve been with that group for a year and find it a very fun and fulfilling space, even if I’m not married 100% to their cosmology or theology. A lot of what I will be posting is in response to or in relation to ADF. However, I hope to be posting about my own nature observations, meditations, UPGs, rituals, trances, dancing, hikes, ecology, theology, comparative religion, atheism, green tips, and lots of other stuff that I see as influenced by or influencing my personal religion. I also hope to talk about stuff I read on other pagan blogs.

I have a personal journal, which I’ve linked to on the side. I don’t really talk about my spirituality over there, mostly because it would be uninteresting, offensive, or fodder for anti-religion conversations that I have no desire to get into again and again.

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